Self-Responsibility Therapy Certification


...IF you are a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, counsellor, nurse, physiotherapist… any type of health care professional.

...but ONLY if you REALLY want to help your clients, for life.

Almost every health care profession involves an element of psychotherapy.

“Everything you do in the psychotherapy element of your work is wasted until you reach one point.

From that point on just about anything reasonable that you do, works.

What is that one point?

The point of self-responsibility.”

Why? Because the person you are helping will take responsibility for making it work. Until they reach the magic moment, the point of self-responsibility, it is highly unlikely that anything you do will have any effect. Why? Because the person won’t take responsibility for making it work.

You can test this game-changing principle on yourself:

when have you performed at your best? When have you recovered best from a set-back? When have you achieved something that others did not or could not do? Almost always, the answer is: when you took self-responsibility. Ask any high achiever in any field: ‘Who is responsible for you performing at your best?’ You already know what they will say: ‘I am.’

elephant in a room

What is the elephant in the therapy room?

In various forms of psychotherapy, self-responsibility is achieved by accident; or as a side effect, and, as you know, client break-throughs are notable by their rarity. Putting on our psychotherapy hats, I know how you feel; you spend vast amounts of time on training, and only around 30% of your clients make any improvement. Why? Here’s the good news, it’s not because of you; it’s because a huge elephant has been in the therapy room for over a century. The methods we were taught missed the most important point, the absolutely essential ingredient.

Let Me Tell You What I Observed.

Over and over again, in psychotherapy sessions:

the clients who improved only ‘got better’ after they decided it was ‘up to them.’ Once they made that decision, they were easy to help, in fact, a joy to help. Why? Because they were so committed to ‘getting better’ that I knew whatever reasonable methods I used to help them would work. Here is what else I noticed, (have you noticed it, too?): before I spotted the elephant, it felt like being sat on by one!

Then, Eureka! 🎆

I had a moment of insight (you know how good that feels): getting my clients to the point of self-responsibility was THE most important thing I could do for them. If you are now, where I was then, you are probably asking: ‘Yes, but how? How do I get them to the point of self-responsibility? How can I do it every time, with every client?’

Over the following years, drawing on the work of many world-class thinkers and leading practitioners, I refined and developed a range of tools to get clients to the point of self-responsibility.

What are those tools? The same ones you would have developed if you had started on that same journey. Why do I say that? Because you could do exactly that now; you could take the time to develop the self-responsibility tools I developed. And yes, you would probably get there more quickly than I did. Why? How? Because you are starting in full knowledge that the answer exists, and works.

Alternatively, if you want to save yourself years of research and refinement, you can learn, and become certified to use the basic techniques of Self-Responsibility Therapy in one weekend (assuming you are already a qualified health professional, or are very advanced in your training)

In just two days you can learn to take your clients to the point of self-responsibility and transform your effectiveness, your reputation, and, their lives, for life!

The Self-Responsibility Therapy Certification Course will teach multiple techniques for you to take your clients to the point of self-responsibility quickly, systematically, reliably.

You know how your clients will feel when you have taken them to the point of self-responsibility and rekindled their optimism; empowered them to live a full life. What will be the impact on your career and reputation when you are capable of taking nearly all clients to the point of self-responsibility, quickly, reliably, and consistently? You already know!

elephant in a room

Who delivers the SRT Certification Course?

SRT was created and the certification workshop is delivered by Dr Nigel MacLennan. He qualified as Chartered Psychologist, and was made a Fellow of the British Psychological Society for multiple original contributions to the field. To learn of the dates of the Self-responsibility Therapy Certification course, complete the form below. We will ONLY send you dates and information about SRT and the SRT Certification Course programme. You can unsubscribe at any time.

What have people who have used the techniques said about them?

Chief Executive Adab Trust
London E14 0EA

As a youth coach working in some of London’s most deprived communities, trying to help people find stability and employment, I had, through a process of experimentation and failure, evolved what I thought were effective techniques to help a person in deprived circumstances move forward and start their dream careers. I had taken the best advice from business, the military and my own involvement in competitive team sport. I was achieving significantly better results than other local training providers and employment services. Then I met Nigel at a modern university where I, in vain, was trying to get higher education and business to work together. He offered to share his development, coaching and therapy models with me. My first step was realising the importance of self-responsibility. I grabbed the opportunity to better myself to the point that I could take the people I help to the point of self-responsibility, using Nigel’s models, tools and techniques. The impact has been dramatic! The first full programme Nigel and I designed together, using Nigel’s self-responsibility models, was for BAME Metropolitan Police officers. Result? 86% were promoted within 6 months! That is 3 times better than any previous course ever run in the over 200 year history of the Met. I have since used the techniques and tools to work with people at the margins of society, NEETS, vulnerable groups of all ages; stoke victims, care leavers, ex-offenders… I am now in a place, using the models and tools that Nigel has taught me that I expect to achieve a minimum of a 70% employment outcome, regardless of a person’s background or issues. Nigel’s teaching has allowed me to help thousands of people reach the point of self-responsibility. SRT works and should be taught to ALL health professionals, and ALL educators and, indeed, to everyone who has any responsibility for developing people. Even better: it should be taught to every child. And on that subject, my own have benefited from it, too. THIS WORKS!

Ron Hunt and Dr Maureen Hunt
Leaders of the FLIP programme

"The work undertaken in the FLIP (Flexible Learning Independent Pathways) focussed on enabling children from secondary schools who were unable to engage in mainstream education, either through their behaviour, or, their social or family environment, or indeed a mixture of all of those factors, to re-enter education. "As part of this programme it was essential for staff to learn methods to develop self-responsibility in the children, without which the whole programme would have been a tick-box exercise. "Staff were indebted to Dr MacLennan for sharing his invaluable techniques for developing self-responsibility. This approach was essential to the betterment of the lives of the students, and their positive progression was measurable. Typically 5 in 6 of the students returned to mainstream education. If you have worked with excluded children you will know the significance of those results.”

Please send me details of Self-responsibility Therapy Certification Course

Bespoke Requests: Please send me details of the Self-responsibility Therapy Certification Course, to be provided in-house, or if you want an on-demand workshop, or a seminar, or keynote speech

  Approximate Dates of Delivery: